Michael Estes eloquently wrote, "We definitely had the metropolitan Thanksgiving of our dreams" Originally from Kentucky, Rachel, Michael and Sonia joined me, Joe and Gaia Rose for the 83rd Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It was 57 degrees. Michael arrived at 42nd street and 6th Avenue at 6:45 am. He had a great spot on the corner but was forced to move by the police. My husband Joe met up with him around 7:20 am. They sat on lawn chairs that we bought exclusively for the event. At 8:15 Rachel and Sonia arrived. I straggled into the city at around 8:50 am. The parade was better than last year. The girls looked up, down and all around. The peak for me was the Sesame Street float and asking all the b-list celebrities, "Where do I know you from?" Rachel is doing a fellowship on Holistic integrative medicine which means they will head home in a few months. As a native New Yorker, I usually steer clear of modern day gypsies but I can't resist getting to know this sweet family.
As another native NY'er who's never been to the parade I gotta give you props for going! Maybe we'll join you next year if Joe agrees to go out at 6:45 with an extra lawn chair for us.